Ward routine/ facilities

All patients are reviewed each morning by a doctor from your consultant team.

Doctors’ rounds start at approximately 08:00 each weekday morning.


You will be given a choice of menu each day. Mealtimes are:

Breakfast 08:00
Lunch 12:00
Evening tea 17:00
Tea 20:00

Should you have any special dietary requirements, please inform staff on your admission and every effort will be made to accommodate your needs.

Visiting times

Day Care visiting.

In order to ensure the comfort of all patients we request that one person only accompanies patients during their time of admission in the Day Care Ward.

In-Patient Wards visiting arrangements

  • Our visiting hours are currently 13:30 – 16:30 and 18:00 – 20:00 daily, but can be flexible if necessary.
  • Restrictions may need to be imposed at the discretion of the ward manager or nurse in charge
  • Please refrain from visiting during doctors’ rounds and mealtimes. Only two visitors should visit at any time.
  • Visitors are requested not to visit if they are suffering from colds, flu or other infections.
  • Visitors are requested to check with the nurse in charge before bringing food into the hospital
  • Children under the age of 12 must be accompanied and supervised by an adult. Parents/guardians of children in hospital may visit at any time.
  • Visiting policy on display in  in-patient ward area.
  • In line with current legislation, smoking is prohibited in all areas of The Royal Victoria Eye and Ear Hospital. Quit smoking leaflets are available at all information points throughout the hospital.You may wish to bring Nicotine patches or gum to help you while staying with us. If you must have a cigarette, please inform staff any time you are leaving your ward.

Smoke free policy

  • The Royal Victoria Eye and Ear Hospital operates a no smoking policy in the hospital. Smoking is not permitted in the rooms or bathrooms.
  • Quit Smoking Support:
  • Quit Smoking courses available free of charge to all the community at St Vincents University Hospital Elm, Park, D4. email: smokingservice@svuh.ie Phone: (01) 221 4958.
  • Visit www.quit.ie for information, advice and an online QUIT plan. It will assess your smoking habits, give advice on how to quit, and send you emails and tips to get you through the first few weeks.
  • Call QUIT for help on 1850 201 203, they’ll talk to you about wanting to quit, send you some information or arrange for you to talk to a quit smoking counsellor.
  • Join the YOU CAN QUIT Facebook community on You Can QUIT’ Facebook page and say I QUIT with our new Facebook app . See how other quitters can help and encourage you along your quit journey.
  • Talk to your GP or Pharmacist, they can advise if you feel you need supports like using nicotine replacement therapy or medication.

Patient Facilities

  • Television sets are located in all of the wards and in all the ward waiting rooms.
  • Patient information points where you can access information are in all waiting rooms. A number of our leaflets are available here.
  • Use of personal battery equipment with earphones is permitted.
  • Mobile phones are permitted in the in ward areas. They are not permitted in clinical examination areas where they may interfere with equipment. Please do not use your mobile in areas where signage is in place in relation to mobile phones. We also request that you turn them off during doctors’ ward rounds and during treatment.
  • A post box is located on the ground floor.
  • The hospital phone number is 01 664 4600. There is also a coin operated public telephone on the ground floor for use by patients and relatives.
  • Vending machines are available in the basement and in the Accident and Emergency department for confectionery and soft drinks.


  • There is metered street parking outside the Hospital with designated set down points at the front door.

Pastoral care

  • The hospital is regularly visited by Clergy of different denominations. If you wish to see any of them at any time please ask the Nurse Manager or Nurse in charge and he/she will arrange this for you. There is an Prayer Room situated on the ground floor. Roman Catholic Mass is celebrated in the Prayer Room on Sunday at 10:30.

Children’s ward

  • Open visiting for parents and guardians.
  • One parent/Guardian must stay overnight.
  • A camper bed will be provided by the bedside. If you wish to avail of the camp bed please mention it to the nurse on admission to ward.
  • TV in all rooms and toys are available.